Friday, September 7, 2007

Judy S. - PA, USA

" I have been sleeping like a baby!"

Judy S.

After drinking X20 for almost 2 months, I think I am my own best testimony. I don't go anywhere without my X20 anymore. I would have never believed that the results I am experiencing could be possible from a little bag of minerals in water.

My energy level has increased 10 fold. The other day, my husband asked me if I was using some new cream as he was noticing the more elastic glow to my olfskin. It not only looks better, but feels better too.

I have been sleeping like a baby, and though I still suffer from sleep apnea, I sleep for longer periods of time than I have in years - sometimes up to 6 hours. Before X20, I would awaken after about 2 hours and often have a difficult time getting back to sleep at all.

My level of alertness and awareness have increased. My metabolism has increased, and I have lost 6 lbs without trying. For years I have had chronic dry eye, and though I won't see my eye doctor for another month to back up my testimony, I can say that my eyes haven't felt better than they do now in many years.

You can probably tell that I am excited about X20. I am excited about the positive effects it is having on my overall health. I am excited about the income opportunity it offers too.

Thank you,

Judy S.

CLICK HERE for a Presentation

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