Saturday, September 8, 2007

Chuck & Lori W. - TX, USA

" I awoke pain free for the first time in over 6 1/2 years"

I awoke with a debilitating illness called Polymyalgia Rheumatica. I had been to a number of doctors, but none of them helped me. I was able to gain control of the symptoms with heavy dosages of Prednisone. However, I still had a great deal of pain, especially in my feet.

I could not walk more than a few hundred feet without the pain becoming almost unbearable. I have, on numerous occasions, put my feet in a bath of ice and water in order to get some relief. I received my shipment of Xtreme X20 on Tues. 11/1. On Saturday, I awoke pain free for the first time in over 6 1/2 years, and have remained pain free since that date.

I have received other benefits as well from taking Xtreme X2O. I sleep much better which, may be due to not having the pain as before, which did kept me awake, sometimes for most of the night. I look at this product as a gift from God in answers to my prayers for better health and also as a way to regain my financial stability.

Chuck and Lori W.


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