Sunday, October 7, 2007

Kathi H. - WA, USA

"His lung doctor is in a state of total shock..."

I love this product. As a matter of fact my husband is on home life-support as a result of final stage emphysema, COPD, colon cancer and heart problems. He had to go to the hospital 11 days ago for a very very bad infection at the base of his cranium. They did several blood and urine tests his chemical balance for all of his electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, etc were all very bad. So, I started him on Xtreme X2O.

He had to return to the hospital day before yesterday they did the same blood and urine tests on him again and they "ALL CAME OUT PERFECT".

Further with his emphysema he requires oxygen 24 hours a day. He did not take it with him this time to the hospital so they checked his oxygen saturations he was at 94 % on room air (No Oxygen on). Prior to X2O he was only 74% on room air.

His lung doctor is in a state of total shock as to what happened and is going to try the X2O for himself. He has never seen a patient's lungs heal enough to raise the O2 Sat levels like that he said in his 40-year history as a Critical Care Pulmonary doctor.

I think this company and product are great!!!!!!!!

Kathi H.

Donna H. - FL, USA

"I have tried so many different creams for these maddening hot flashes..."

Since my surgery a few months ago, I have been getting up at least four times during the night to change clothes because I would be drenched. I was constantly tired all day. The first night I took X2O, I slept all night without any night sweats and all day yesterday and today I had no hot flashes!! I am so excited.

Since taking X2O, I have been full of energy and not feeling that mild depressed "lull." I have tried so many different creams for these maddening hot flashes and I also asked my doctor to increase my hormone patch and...


I was not expecting to get relief from this. Since I drink so much water. It made sense.

Well, now I'm telling everyone about it... even guys. I'm sure they know some woman who is looking for an answer. I will be forever grateful to God, Xooma and my 'telephone friend' Carl Boyer for sharing this information.

Donna H.